Brand: Fullex

Fullex XL Dual Spindle

Backset: 35mm / 45mm
PZ: 92mm / 62
Faceplate: 16mm

Silver case, silver latch and hook, dual cam/follower (also available as single spindle). This gearbox is very common so it’s a good one to stock. If the gearbox has a deadbolt rather than a hook then it is the Fullex Crimebeater that you need. On failed Fullex XL gearboxes the spring inside will often be loose/unattached when you look through the hole in the case. Genuine brand Fullex cases are readily available and affordable (around £20 – £30). It is worth stocking both the single and double spindle versions because although they are interchangeable you will often find that lever/lever handles that were fitted with a single spindle gearbox will not be able to be used with the double spindle version as the screw gap is obstructed by the lower spindle.

Failed gearboxes can most often be opened with the A’ Jam Rescue Tool.

The latch is reversible and can be changed by removing the screw in the centre of the latch and then turning the latch 180 degrees and then put the screw back in it’s place.

To change these cases, take out the 3 screws (you will need a Robertson bit which some sellers provide when you purchase the gearbox) on the face plate and remove the connector rods. With the new case, insert connector rods into correct positions. One will hook in (near the hook) and the other will sit over 2 lugs (near the latch) Once positioned correctly and the face plate is on, use the 3 screws to secure.

Purchase Information

Current price range for genuine parts is roughly £18.30 - £55.

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